



WTF? I'll tell you WTF! WTF? I'll tell you WTF! WTF? I'll tell you WTF! WTF? I'll tell you WTF! WTF? I'll tell you WTF! WTF? I'll tell you WTF! WTF? I'll tell you WTF!

Don't Worry: I'm from the future!

Let the record show that i have historically been 5 to 10 years ahead of the rest of the world.


  • 1992, begins scouring pawn shops and local trader newspapers for vintage analog synthesizers. Builds a collection that eventually leads to being stalked by insiders and industry professionals. There was no ebay or Craigslist.

  • 1993: distorts first synthesizers and uses it in a recording. pure joy is found.

  • 1994: signed to a dance music label out of Detroit. Doesn't work out so well.

  • 1995: begins to win remixing contests one after another.

  • 1996: discovers the internet, a treasure trove of both information and misinformation.

  • 1997: moves and quickly begins making electronic records with girl singers. This is coined "trip hop"

  • 1999: begins doing electronic hip-hop a full decade before it hits the mainstream.

  • 2000: records and plays live with electro-punk band. This is during the punk/ska reinvention. Great, more obscurity!

  • 2001: records a half electro, half guitar record. Later this would be referred to as electro-clash and indie rock. or what youre listening to now.

  • 2002: writes and records an album where all the songs are remixed, done collaboration style with german partner.. Self published on the internet.

  • 2003: builds and opens home studio in basement. Records over 25 bands, mostly punk. 0.00 electronic bands. Throws 10 band festival. Closes home studio.

  • 2005: Completes internet collaboration. No one notices. No one cares. No one minds.

WTF: An Essay

I don't look for music anymore, it "just comes" to me via various channels. Chances are you're the exact same. Long dead is the snobby record store clerks to condescendingly throw a CD at me and tell me how I 'probably won't get this because I'm not able to get it'. There's no more "independent" disc jockey's playing tunes the choose late at night. There's playlisting. There's taste engines that programmatically select things based on what you looked at before. These might be evil, you never know. I am happy to see that 120 Minutes is back, and well-- we'll see how that goes and hope for the best. In the 90's, 120minutes (which replaced radio for me) basically turned me on to everything first including Foo Fighters, Garbage, Ruby, and pretty much anyone else I listened to the next 10 years non-stop. But that's all gone now. Now's there's the internet. The internet ruined (or some might argue 'fixed') everything. Also in the late 90's, changed my life. You could go in and listen to new music and see band pages. In order to be an artist and submit, you had to first listen to other peoples music and give mini reviews. That was excellent, and pretty much perfect. You could go in and listen to "all electronic" or "all trip hop" or "all music sorted by zip code". At one time or another, the music I submitted ruled these charts, so it is natural that I would like it. It lasted until about 2000, and that was that. 

So I'm doing it myself, just for you. I'm putting it out there and placing it on my front porch for you to peruse at will, knowing fully that you won't get most of it. You'll get some of it or one of them, but you won't connect-- you CANNOT connect --- with all of the songs here. And I designed it that way. There isn't anyone that will appreciate these as much as I do. And I have reconciled with that.

I'm parking these songs here, online, in this form. There were times in my life where I actually discovered the remixes before I heard the singles. And you know what? I ended up ok for it. So you might do that as well. You might like versions better than others, I'm ok with that. I saw an interesting piece of writing awhile back about how people are often disappointed when they finally get to see the Mona Lisa in the Musée du Louvre. It might be better when its photographed, I'm not sure. I'm not comparing this to that or myself to Leonardo; even I have my good angles.

And here's the deal: I'm putting these songs up, one at a time. I'll sort them by popularity based on upvoting and downvoting. And that way you can choose. I'll put remixes here as well, for you to love and hate -- because the original was so much better -- or are you sure it was the original that you heard first? I'll be the condescending record store clerk, waiting for an ear. I'll be the blood you never flow. I'll set them up, you knock them back.

From here its up to you. Spread it around. If it grows, its your fault. If it sinks, its my fault. Deal?

WTF: Or, more precisely, HTF?

Well i'll tell you what. In August of 2011, i set out to do 100 songs as quickly as possible. This took a month; 30 days. Then I put it aside and intentionally didn't listen to it or touch them for awhile. In November, i rediscovered the pile, which i instantly set to sorting through. I drug the keepers into one pile and realized something quickly; these stuck with me. This pile melted down to 20. So i worked on them, again keeping only the essential bits. Some of the lyrics were cut in half. Most were trashed, at 80% recidivism. Slowly i made vocal less versions of them and started singing them in my living room. No one had heard them at this point. The next step was to start making remixes of them. Sometimes, the remix was better than the original.

Then i realized shit, i need a webpage or two.....

Yes, this is 100% all D.I.M.D.S. Songs. Engineering. Recording. Mixing. Producing. Remixing. Videos. Graphics. Webpages. Photos. Live shows. Stuff.  More hidden stuff to come. FAVORITE BAND EVER! Less people to argue with that way!

WTF? I'll tell you WTF! WTF? I'll tell you WTF! WTF? I'll tell you WTF! WTF? I'll tell you WTF! WTF? I'll tell you WTF!WTF? I'll tell you WTF!WTF? I'll tell you WTF!


©2012, manmademadman